Page 2 - CLH Foundation - Connected - Summer 2024
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As you’ll see in this issue of Connected, we have so Because of the generosity of the community, we were
many exciting updates to share with you – with a few able to host our first external Butter Tart Presale (thank
firsts among them! Your unwavering support has been you ELCAN!) and were the first time beneficiaries of the
instrumental in our achievements, and for that we are funds generated by the “Parking Lot for Good”, hosted by
deeply grateful. Advanced Foot and Orthotic Clinic.
First and foremost, I want to extend a heartfelt thank you As we reflect on these accomplishments, we look forward
to each and every one who contributed to the success to the future with renewed determination and optimism.
of our reimagined Red Carpet Concert featuring the Together, we are making a tangible difference in the lives
incredible Trews Trio - it was a night to remember! Your of the members of the CLH-supported community.
attendance and support made this inaugural concert
event a resounding success, and showcased your From first time “Spring Fling” Dances, to our first module
commitment to providing opportunities for members of Kitchen Connections, to a new version of our flagship
of the CLH-supported community to connect, engage fundraiser, your support has made this issue of “firsts”
and thrive. possible. Thank you once again for your continued
support and dedication to our work – we truly couldn’t
Another exciting first was the Science Fair for Teen/TAY do it without you. I hope you enjoy reading this issue and
members. It was inspiring to see their enthusiasm and discovering everything you’ve made possible.
innovation on display, and we are so grateful to be able
to nurture their curiosity and passion for science and Sincerely,
Additionally, our recent butter tart sales exceeded all
expectations, thanks to your generosity and sweet tooth! Sarah Kitchen
Your purchases not only satisfied cravings but also CLH Foundation Board of Directors
contributed significantly to our ongoing initiatives.